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Chicago, based on Maudine Dallas Watkins’ play of the same name has everything that makes a musical great: a universal tale of fame, fortune and all that jazz; one show-stopping song after another; and some of the most creative dance numbers you’ve ever seen on stage at the Playhouse! In roaring twenties Chicago, chorine Roxie Hart murders a faithless lover and convinces her hapless husband Amos to take the rap…until he finds out he’s been duped. Convicted and sent to death row, Roxie and another “Merry Murderess” Velma Kelly, vie or the spotlight and the headlines, ultimately joining forces in search of the “American Dream” – fame, fortune and acquittal.

Featuring: Tasha Fain, Mara Luther, Eric Monson, Steve Reynolds, Britt Garner, and Julie Fryberger.

Directed by denise rose and Tim Shonkwiler

9 Dates: February 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25. March 2, 3, 4.

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